Banking Case Study
How a Top 20 Bank Turned Receiving & Deploying IT Equipment into a Simple, Predictable and Profitable Process
Finally, there’s a simpler way to manage your hardware assets.
As a Top 20 bank discovered, it’s completely possible to centralize its IT equipment receiving and deployment operation, trust its data and reduce costs.
But it wasn’t always like that.
In the past, each of its 140 branches had its own (often manual) hardware asset management process. The bank wasted financial and human resources - but then it turned things around.
This quick case study shares the behind the scenes steps that helped the bank transform:
- Reduce purchasing and maintenance costs to contribute to a stronger bottom line.
- Improve hardware inventory and analytics accuracy to mitigate risk and increase efficiency.
- Get the team focused on strategic needs instead of hardware asset management to drive the organization forward.
- Actually trust its data, meet its KPIs and become a valuable partner for stakeholders.
See what an Effective and Flexible Hardware Asset Management Program Can Do (Quick Read)