
Deloitte’s 2021 Global Survey on ITAM

By Anthony | September 28, 2021
ITAM Global Survey

A recent rainy weekend here in Michigan gave me some time to catch up on some industry reading.  I had been anxious to review Deloitte’s Global Survey on ITAM.  It was really perfect timing as we are just now starting a series of meetings about our strategic plan for 2022 and this insight is helpful…

The Vendor’s Perspective to Improve IT Vendor Management

By Mike Loria | September 27, 2021
Vendors are critical to a modern successful ITAM program

I read a recent Gartner report on 3 Steps to Improve IT Vendor Management and decided to add my two cents. As an ITAM managed services provider, I know a thing or two about the topic, too. You need IT vendors According to Gartner, “Relationships with strategic vendors are increasingly key to business performance.” I…

Control Systems are Essential for ITAM Results

By Anthony | September 15, 2021
AssetTrack® Control System

The pillars of IT asset management are people, process, and technology. Without all three working together in harmony, an ITAM program will not deliver results. The key to an exceptional ITAM program is a control system that aligns the three together. Business backbones Amazon, long known for its logistics, is dependent on control systems. So…

ITAD (IT Asset Disposition) Security Errors Can Mean Big Headaches & Even Bigger Fines

By Anthony | September 7, 2021
ITAD vendors create security penalties for bank

How confident are you that you are correctly managing your ITAD (IT Asset Disposition)? If you have a vendor who manages ITAD for you, how confident are you that your vendor is correctly managing it? In either case your answer should be, “100%” because if not, you could be opening yourself up to a host…

Peter Drucker’s 5 most important questions for every IT leader

By Mike Loria | May 15, 2021
Peter Drucker's 5 most important questions

Peter Drucker was one of the most influential business thinkers in the 20th century.  He worked with many of the captains of industry including Jack Welch of GE; Alfred Sloan of General Motors; Tom Watson of IBM; Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard of HP; and many others.  His ideas are still foundational to our best…

The Operational Framework for your MSP (Managed Services Provider)

By Mike Loria | March 17, 2021
MSP managed services provider

Hardware asset management can be one of the toughest challenges for businesses to manage these days. With employees working remotely, tracking and managing assets is more cumbersome than before. Plus, if your main business isn’t tracking and managing hardware assets, it makes sense to find someone whose sole expertise is. This is why many companies…

6 Questions for Figuring Out When It’s Time for IT Managed Services

By Anthony | January 19, 2021
IT Managed Service Provider

If your hardware asset management feels out of control, it might be time to get help. The questions below will help you identify if you’re ready to look into an IT managed services solution. Are you looking to: Digitally transform your infrastructure? Get more out of ServiceNow? Be able to track managed services in ServiceNow?…

4 Reasons to love a ServiceNow IT Hardware Audit

By Anthony | January 19, 2021
IT Hardware Audit

Every company who owns assets knows the importance of conducting IT hardware audits, but the problem is, most times it’s hard to do right, your staff is stretched already, and you’re working with bad data. Issues like ghost assets, bad process controls, human error, etc. make it impossible to create the foundation you need for…

COVID is forcing Hardware Asset Management into operational and digital transformation

By Mike Loria | December 12, 2020
Hardware asset management transformation

Tipping Point – “the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point.”– Malcom Gladwell, The Tipping Point As we near the end of a year that will be forever studied in history books, I’ve been reflecting on not only how business has changed this year, but how it will need to continue to adjust…

Lifecycle Best Practices: Maximize Hardware Resale and Ensuring Proper Disposal

By Mike Loria | July 28, 2020
Lifecycle ITAD is more than lowest cost, or best price, it is a process

IT assets are like new cars – they begin depreciating from the first day. Still, there often is some value left when it comes time to retire your hardware. While maximizing that remaining value is important, it’s not the only consideration: Security and compliance also must be maintained.   Effective ITAD is less about sales…

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