Our History

A Growing Need

It was the year 2000 and IT was growing so rapidly that one day’s technology was obsolete as quickly as it went to market . A majority of enterprises were faced with the problem of how to manage their IT hardware. Handling, moving, storing, and the disposition were a hassle. The potential for security breaches was high.

Much At Stake

There were regulatory and compliance challenges. Time and money was being wasted in enterprises on functions they did not understand. This is when a group of like-minded, seasoned technology industry professionals came to together to solve the problem.

Harnessing Technology

We had a passion: To simplify hardware asset management. This was no easy task. It took talented people. It took a consistent process. It required resources. And at the core, it took technology. They needed to integrate it all while tailoring ITAM services for each unique enterprise.

Meeting the Need

“Making it simple” was the mission. Offering customers a different experience was critical. Creating a culture that stood up to the test of time was done with passion.

We take these three core values seriously:

  • Re-Sponsible: We will be responsible to do the right thing, all the time.
  • Re-Liable: We will be reliable and trustworthy to take care of our client’s hardware and sensitive data as if it were our own.
  • Re-Lentless: We are tenacious in solving the most complex challenges and we never, ever give up.


For over twenty years, Re-Source Partners has been simplifying hardware asset management for clients across the US and around the world. Our passion is the same, and our values keep us focused on producing the best results for our clients.

Explore Our Solutions


Warehouse, Inventory, Stage, Track


Stage, Package, Ship, Return


Return, Repurpose, Recycle

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Management? Download one of our helpful resources!