Re-Source Partners Environmental Policy

Re-Source Partners is committed to our environment

Re-Source Partners is committed to conducting its information technology (IT) asset management business in an environmentally responsible manner while providing quality products and services. We continually examine the business for methods that will improve quality, minimize our impact on the environment and contribute to the prevention of pollution.


Our objective is to promote the use of customer driven IT asset recovery and recycling programs to corporate America as a viable alternative to land fill disposals.

To accomplish this, we will:

  • Adhere to Federal, State, and local requirements, as applicable, regarding environmental regulations.
  • Abide by additional environmental policies determined by customers and manufacturers.
  • Set standards and measurable controls to ensure compliance and continual improvement to the company’s quality and environmental policy, objectives, and programs.
  • Plan and design operational programs to meet customer requirements, minimize environmental impact and maximize customer satisfaction.
  • Assign responsibility at all levels of the organization to ensure employees and vendors are aware of Re-Source Partners quality and environmental policy and adhere to its supporting programs.
  • Continually examine our Quality and Environmental Management System for ways to improve our overall commitment to be an environmentally friendly organization while providing quality products and services.


environmental commitment

Re-Source Partners is a registered ISO 14001:2015 company